Books by Jem Friar
Jem has written and designed several books about greater well-being and healthier living.

Choosing Happier – how to be happy despite your circumstances, history or genes.
(Available as a print book, e-book & audiobook).
This book explores the myths and the potential of happiness. It will help you to understand the habits and mindsets that lead to greater levels of happiness and then, with effective exercises and profound questions, to enable you to actually choose to raise your levels of positive emotions on a daily and ongoing basis.

My Happiness Journal
This workbook has been designed to accompany the Choosing Happier book. It is full of valuable exercises to support you in becoming happier as well as a journal section to help you to maintain a daily happiness and gratitude practice.

The Juice Habit Made Easy – with tips, tricks & healthy fruit & vegetable juice recipes
This book was written by Jem to help & inspire people to become “Juicers.” It can be challenging to integrate new healthy habits into your daily life but this book makes the process of drinking juice more often an almost effortless experience.

The Heart Meditation
(e-book & audiobook)
There is a short e-book version of the Heart mediation available on Amazon. This gives an overview & background to the meditation, as well as some basic meditation tips. The actual Heart meditation is clearly laid out for those who would like to read the words for their meditation practice. Buyers of the book are entitled to obtain a free download of “The 21 best tips to help meditate more easily” guide.

In Celebration of the International Day of Happiness.
To spread the message of joy around the world, the Gratitude Attitude has been published as a FREE e-book.