Change Makers
– people who work actively to effect positive social & planetary change.
We are at a pivotal moment in human history where we are required to make a massive leap in our consciousness & ways of living on this beautiful planet. Some members of our society who are more actively working to facilitate this change whether it be in the social, political, economic or environmental arenas. Through my various coaching skills I aim to support them to be more effective in their work & more balanced, healthy & happy in their lives.
There are also many people who have become aware of the Climate & Ecological Emergency that we are now in, but perhaps in the face of this are left feeling powerless, hopeless & overwhelmed. I offer support that enables people to move through these debilitating feelings & then to find balance within themselves & ways to take effective action in the World around them, so that they can become part of the solution too. For some, this coaching support will enable them to uncover their true purpose at a deeper level, so that they too can become effective & powerful change makers.
Support for Change Makers
I presently offer support for people who want to make a positive difference in the World in the form of Resilience & Well-being coaching, Purpose coaching & by facilitating the the Active Hope process. (See below for more information.) I use the tools from each of these coaching styles interchangeably & as needed for each client.
Coming Soon: I am planning to set up a Change Makers Support Network but am presently just in the research phase of this project (if you would be interested to contribute. please read the section below & fill in the questionnaire).

Resilience & Wellbeing Coaching
The skills & support that this form of coaching provides can be invaluable to any change maker who is attempting to facilitate positive change & to stay happy, healthy, inspired & energised at the same time. The skills & tools that I work with empower clients to cope with, recover from & move through difficult situations & challenges.
Finding the Bounce!
It can be very hard to cope with or know what to do when we are dealing with really difficult situations. Learning how to move through the emotions that have come up, find inner clarity, create strategies to manage the situation & be prepared for future difficult challenges is incredibly helpful & empowering. It becomes possible not only to bounce back from difficult situations but to bounce forwards into our lives with a greater optimism & capacity for dealing with future challenges. These skills develop resilience & grit that are really important for us to remain effective & to be successful in our lives.
“In a growth mindset, challenges are exciting rather than threatening. So rather than thinking, oh, I’m going to reveal my weaknesses, you say, wow, here’s a chance to grow.” – Carol Dweck, author of Mindset: The Psychology of Success.
Purpose Coaching
A coaching method that supports clients to discover who they are meant to be & what they came here to do. Purpose coaching can be useful for helping you to connect with your Life Purpose or gain a greater capacity to make choices that are based on staying aligned with your highest values on a day to day basis. It is a valuable way to enable you to find meaning & clarity of direction in your life.
Within these coaching sessions, clients can also gain much greater understanding of their core values, their passions & deepest concerns, as well as their inherent character strengths & skills. From that point, we can start to explore how they could best use them for the greater good & if needed, create an effective strategy so that they can do so.
Active Hope Coaching Process
The purpose of this process is to introduce you to a strengthening practice that can help you to face, cope with & give your best responses to any disturbing challenges that you might be facing at this time. This is particularly valuable if you are concerned with our climate & ecological emergencies but the reality of the situation can make you feel quite overwhelmed or hopeless.
These sessions will help you to become more resilient & balanced. They can be participated in as a one-off if you are struggling at any point or can be experienced regularly to help you to cope & be positive. I run these sessions both as individual & group coaching sessions.
Participation in these groups is by donation so that financial difficulty does not need to limit anyone from attending & I can help more people in these troubling times.
Book a Clarity Session to see if this might be helpful for you or your group.
Coming soon (with your help)
The Change Maker Support Network
Aim: to support those who are attempting to create massive positive change to be more effective in their work & balanced in their lives.
Being a change maker can
Different people & organisation will have quite varied needs at various times & in different situations. To create a change maker support network that can meet the very different needs that people may have, I am doing research to discover what the most pressing, important & common needs might be. If you would like to help by sharing your experience & insights, please click the button below.
Your Thoughts & Insights Would Be Really Helpful
I would really appreciate it if you have a spare 10-15 minutes to respond to this short questionnaire. I am attempting to understand what support & resources would be most useful for different change makers.
If you know any other change makers who might
If you would like to respond to these questions ‘live’, I am
Thank you for you supporting this project to become awesome!
Warm & kind regards
Jem Friar